terima kasih buat teacher

i bukak facebook.
tapi at the same time, i buat kerja lain.
kira menyambil lah ni.
tiba - tiba, junior masa sekolah dulu chat dengan i.
ni lah perbualan kami :


hye sis


helo :):)


rmember kt chat last time , kt bnyk tnya k.shiha bout be a teacher.. && insyaallah i will be one. kindergarten teacher :):) thanks fr the inspiration



i was and still inspired by my teachers. thanks to them that i can inspired someone else to be a teacher :):)

kindergarten teacher is sooo cool.

if i had to list down my fav, your job will me at the top of my list.

followed by a special edu. teacher.last would be primary school teacher

a secondary school teacher would never ever be on my list! hahaha


ahahaha tgk mcm best k.shiha praticum tu.. it must be tough fr u to teach special student right?

ni cebisan conversation kami.
shocking part is dia cakap i inspired her to be a teacher.
perasaan : sangat terharu.
terima kasih seri. semoga kita dapat jadi seorang guru yang ikhlas mengajar bukan kerana balasan lumayan.

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